Excerpts from my twisted mind.

We Are All Autodidacts Now

I am most of the way through Allan Bloom’s seminal “The Closing of the American Mind”. It’s an eye-opening, heavy, philosophical analysis of our current state. It has a lot to say, primarily how German philosophy has infected our Republic, and how our egalitarian system is devolving into totalitarianism because we have replaced truth with values, and tradition with culture, and reason with experience. It’s a long book. Very technical. But one thing it has challenged me in is this – I need a better philosophy. I have always read a lot of history, because my instinct told me that I needed a broad, birds-eye view of the world so I could understand it better. This is certainly true. But history alone cannot answer the question of “why?”. Which is where philosophy comes in. So, I am going to start on Mortimer Adler’s reading list, and go from there. I have no expectation that I will agree with all of it. That’s not the purpose. The purpose rather is to understand the thinking that shaped Western Civilization. It’s to absorb enough thought that you begin to gain perspective. You gain a better notion of the “why” behind things, and hence, can better shape and inform your own thinking. It’s a hefty list. It will take awhile. And I will no doubt find myself following forks of thought as I encounter them. We have to learn how to think better than we do. Our educational systems can no longer be relied upon to teach us. We are all autodidacts now.

Tolerate Nothing

What is needed in today’s world is a little more intolerance. Intolerance of sin. Intolerance of evil. Intolerance of wrong philosophy and bad doctrine. Intolerance of inferior cultures and false religions that are hostile to American culture and the Christian faith. Intolerance of unbelief, and militant atheism that hates Christians and Christianity. Where is it writ that we have to tolerate any of it? And of course, the tolerance is always one-sided, as our enemies, for enemies they are, have no tolerance whatsoever for our faith or even our existence. We are commanded to be compassionate, we are commanded to forgive, we are commanded to pray – we are never commanded to tolerate. I tolerate nothing.

“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Two Americas

There are two Americas. There is the real America as founded, based on the Constitution, the rule of Law, and the patriotism of its citizens. This is the America where most of us live, work, raise our families, go to school, go to church, and have our existence. The other America is the fake America that exists only in the fevered imaginations of the American Left. It is an article of Faith to the new religion of Marxist-Fascist Progressivism. This America isn’t a reality (yet), but the religious zealots on the Left want to make it so. They will do so by rolling over our laws, our morality, our rights and our bodies if need be. So, when you hear a Leftist say that “we are destroying America”, they are talking about the fantasy dystopian America of their monstrous desires. The one where they and their District One oligarchs rule, and where we the peasants work on their behalf. Any time any of us dares raise our voice in defense of the true America, these elitist perverts declare “we are destroying America” with our words and beliefs. Far from it. We are standing up for the real one.

Today’s Inconvenient Truth

The so-called “Gay Rights” movement was never about equality. To begin with, there was no inequality. Nobody was being denied their Constitutional rights. Instead, the mentally ill wanted Special Rights. Specifically, overturning millennia of biology, science, Judeo-Christian philosophy, and the rule of law to redefine perversion as normal, and then force all those with legitimate conscientious objections to comply with the new state mandated definition of “normal”.

Male and Female homosexuality, or gender identity disorder, was once considered paraphilia. It, and a long list of other irrational, unwanted sexual disorders, was once considered mental illness. But the APA was pressured to adopt, with few prior studies, a new redefinition of homosexuality as normal, and the long fall down the slippery slope began. We are nearing the end stages where soon, they will force us to accept transgender as normative with the jackboot of government authority, then polyamory, then pedophilia.

There is no limit to the perversions of man once all objective moral truths have been obliterated and everybody becomes a victim. These same people view Christians and normal married folks with children with unreasoning vitriol. They will eliminate free speech and freedom of religion, and legislate away the second amendment so we cannot take up arms to stop it. They won’t allow us to simply co-exist – we have to be eliminated. It will happen unless we stop it here.

Unlike fake, made-up special rights, the Constitution clearly and unequivocally enshrines freedom of speech, religion, association, and the press, and the right to petition the Government. These are natural rights, not granted but only recognized by government. We don’t have to accept their infringement, because infringing upon them is an unlawful act. It shouldn’t take any court cases anywhere to allow Christians or people of conscience to not be forced to bow the knee to the gay mafia.

Would You Like Some More Rope?

Trump is going to win re-election. The Democrats know this, so they are trying to destroy him. The inmates are running the asylum. The party of Kennedy and Truman is dead. This is going to cost them the House, the White House, and everything else. All this does is prove the President right in everything he has said about these lunatics. And it will drive ever more people to his camp. Never in my wildest aspirations did I think the President would succeed so completely in obliterating the Democrat/Communist Party. He keeps giving them rope, and they are rushing to hang themselves with it. Well done, GEOTUS!

To My Fellow Monsters

Why do they call us white supremacists and racists? I say us, because the message is clear: anybody who supports the President is a white supremacist and a racist. According to the Left. This is a tactic common in totalitarian regimes. It is part of a process of dehumanization that occurs preceding marginalization and extermination. In other words, genocide. Is it really that serious? Think about it. If I am a person, then I have to be reasoned with, persuaded, compromised with. If am a person, then we have to work to live alongside one another peaceably using the same social compact of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that all Americans once espoused. But if I am a racist, a white supremacist, then I am no longer a person. I am a monster. And you don’t cooperate with monsters. You don’t talk to monsters, or reason with them, or try to see things from their perspective. You kill monsters. And that, fellow deplorables, “racists”, and “white supremacists”, is what the Left wishes to do to us.

Why Do Mass Shootings Happen?

Why do mass shootings happen? Let me stop you before you pipe up “because of guns”. If it wasn’t guns, it would be some other weapon. The calls to ban guns aren’t made from compassion, but from a callous desire to politicize tragedy and disarm the lawful. So that’s a non-starter. So why mass shootings? There are probably multiple factors in play. Here are a few. 1) Men, in particular white men, are demonized and marginalized in our culture. 2) Mental illness is everywhere and untreated. 3) Our culture is indifferent towards death. 4) Our media encourages violence towards its political enemies.

In such a culture, you can see how an angry white man, struggling with mental problems and paranoia, could latch onto the Central American invasion of Southern America, which is a real thing by the way, and decide to “do something about it”, in this instance, shooting a bunch of innocent people. It’s a despicable action, but an understandable one. Most of the time, it is Leftists trying to kill people they deem to be Trump supporters. This case in El Paso is unique. And of course, it is getting all the press.

Stand firm folks. We don’t need more gun laws. What we need is accountability for a media that encourages racial hatred of white people, misandry, and violence towards its enemies. We have to stop allowing the murder of innocents, whether through abortion, or later through Leftist ideology and its consequences. We have to rebuild our homes, so young men are raised in an environment where they are nurtured and loved, and socialized by their fathers to be dignified, self-controlled and self-assured, and honorable.

We can’t keep blaming lawful gun owners for the actions of lunatics. We are the last people who would ever harm anybody with a firearm, and the first ones to react should a mass shooting occur. We can’t keep calling the President and everybody who supports him racist. All that does is firm our resolve to fight back should you fascists ever get power. The only violence being stoked in this country is the hate-filled, wicked rhetoric spewing forth from Leftist mouths like a steady stream of raw sewage. It has to stop.

Some Thoughts on Racism

Some thoughts on racism. Racism is as old as humanity itself. It starts with hatred for you brother, for which Jesus said you are worthy of Hell. I am not talking about dislike, disagreement, or having an opposing viewpoint. I mean deep down, irrational, murderous hate for another human being. The kind of hate that made Cain murder his brother Abel. That hate, given time, will take root and become prejudice. Prejudice is hatred directed at a group. We see this all the time. Leftists hate white people in general, men in particular, and white Christian men most of all. They make assumptions about us because we fall into that category. That’s prejudice, or bigotry. And the Left is loaded with bigotry towards an awful lot of people. Black people can be bigots. Mexicans (and other folks from points further South) can be bigots. Anybody can. Because they have a human heart and hate is a sin every mortal can be tempted with. That brings us to racism. Racism according to the dictionary is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” It’s more systemic than plain old bigotry. Racism is what you get when Democrats get majority power. It’s a political system that obsesses about race, makes all its decisions based on it, and actively seeks to punish those not in the “favored races or grievance groups”. Historically it was blacks and Jews that Democrats hated the most. They built an entire culture of discrimination based on segregation and codified into law in the form of Jim Crow. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Another example is the treatment Jews received in Nazi Germany and Tsarist Russia. Or apartheid in South Africa. Or how the British treated the Irish. That’s racism. We have nothing like it at all in America anymore. You know why? Because a lot of white Christian men killed it for good. Republicans, the party of abolition, killed racism in America. When Democrats tar everybody who oppose them as racist, they rob the word of its meaning. They stoke grievances that have no basis in reality anymore. They pit American against American. And they do so with the goal of gaining absolute power. Don’t fall for it. It’s not racist to demand accountability from lawmakers who happen to have a bit more melanin in their skin. There are no “people of color”. Only people. And if everybody is racist then no one is.

Trump’s America

When Leftists (that would be nearly every talking head on the news) say the phrase “Trump’s America”, let me boil that down for you as to what they mean. 

First of all, they are implying that there’s a different America that exists from “Trump’s America”, an enlightened, tolerant, socialist, Leftist utopia America that would never ever vote for a racist like Trump, that looks down their noses at unwashed peasants from “Trump’s America”, and presumably, in their enlightenment, has no problem murdering post-birth babies and allowing mentally ill men to share restrooms with little girls. This America is the America that all Leftists aspire to live in. 

Second, they are dredging up every bigoted anti-American, anti-MidWest, anti-Southern trope when they say “Trump’s America”. They are saying, basically, that all of us in “Trump’s America” are white (because clearly none of the millions of African-Americans and Latinos that voted Trump count for anything). We’re all a bunch of Klan member, hillbilly, sister-raping, bigoted, Confederate flag waving, pickup truck driving, hooping and hollering good ole’ boy hicks who have no access to proper dental care. They are implying that such an America once existed, and that they, the valiant, noble heathen liberals had nearly driven these inbred racists to extinction when out of nowhere, Trump shows up and validates them. It’s why they call anybody who wants a strong America coupled with curbing illegal migration a “white nationalist”. They won’t come right out and call you a Nazi on the news (on social media, that’s every other word out of their mouth), but in their minds, you might as well be stomping around in your jackboots with your Nazi flags waving to the tunes of “Deutschland Uber Alles”.

Here’s the Truth. There is no “Trump’s America”. There never was. Or I should say, the America they refer to when talking heads say “Trump’s America” was always there. It’s the real America, the actual America, the America that has been maligned, trodden on, mocked, spit on, and ignored since the 70s. The America that has watched its manufacturing jobs dry up and go overseas. The America that endured a thirty year freeze in wage increases. The America that goes to church and loves the flag and maybe, possibly, owns a pickup truck and/or some guns. The America that fights the wars and pays the taxes and works the jobs and grows the food and, until the 1980s, manufactured the things.

All so coastal elites can sit there in their cloistered, sheltered, gated cities and make decisions that have terrible consequences for the rest of the country, while they sneer at us over brunch and tell us to “Learn to code.”

The Truth is that their America, the elitist, Leftist, soy milk latte version of America, is the fantasy. Real America, on the other hand, elected Donald Trump, not to advance any racist ideologies (that would be the sole purview of the racist Democrats), but to defend and protect our America from a pack of heathen Leftists that seem hell-bent on tearing up the Constitution and transforming our country into a socialist hellhole like Europe.

So you see, “Trump’s America” wasn’t made by Donald Trump. It was always there, and it elected him to do a job, which, in spite of considerable opposition from the traitors on the Left and within his own party, he has done admirably.

Think On These Things…

We have the beginnings of a Socialist uprising in our country. I would argue the seeds were planted in American soil during the post-war era in Academia, and spread to the rest of the country, but now it’s out in the open. The Democrats are Socialists and baby killers. They have made it very clear it’s who they are. When confronted on it, they have doubled down. These people represent nothing less than the dissolution of America as founded. So Christian, your position in the midst of this is clear. You have to stop them. You have to vote, every time it is possible to vote. You have to be informed. What’s on the ballot? Who’s running? If they are a Democrat, you don’t vote for them. If they are a RINO, you don’t vote for them. Make sure you vote in the primaries, because that’s when you truly get to choose your candidate. Defend Donald Trump. I know that seems counter-intuitive to some of you. Like the man or not, he is all that stands between you and the barbarians at the gates, these fascists that want to transform your country into a Socialist state. You can’t be wishy washy anymore. Now’s the time to choose sides. Failure to vote is complicity for the Left and its policies of death and hate. You cannot call yourself a Christian and vote for baby killers. You can’t sit this fight out because “politics is beneath us” or because “God is on his throne.” We Christians defeated slavery, reduced alcohol consumption in America, got women the vote, and fought to end segregation. Our nation needs us again, and we must answer the call. The future freedoms of our children and grandchildren depend on it. Let me be clear – the Left hates us and want us dead or enslaved. That is no longer an extreme statement. It’s the cold, unvarnished truth. If we don’t take our position of conscience in the country seriously, if we refuse to participate in the political process, then the barbarians will take power as they did in Germany and Cambodia and China, and the Christians are the first to go. Think on that in the days ahead.