Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 07-25-2022

We Are in a War Whether We Choose to Acknowledge the Bullets or Not Who Wants that Castle Down? Who profits from the disintegration of the American family? Who profits from its invasion by mass entertainment, mass media, and mass schooling, three prongs of one pitchfork?

It Is No Conspiracy Theory – They Really ARE After Your Children Revolution and the Minds of Children

If We Are Complicit, We Are Evil Too How Evil Advances: The Tyranny of Good Intentions

Leftists are not good people with bad ideas. They are evil people. They are enemy combatants who see us as a foe to be vanquished and enslaved. We cannot let our basic sense of compassion, justice, and fair play blind us to this reality. These people are dangerous. They will kill us if they can. We cannot compromise. We should not feel sorry for them. And if they choose violence, we have to be prepared to defend ourselves.

No One Has a ‘Right’ to Contraception – Buy Your Own Condoms, Libtards No One is Coming For Contraception, But They’re Definitely Coming For Conscience Rights

These People Are Not Kidding – They Really Mean It New York Times writes that cannibalism ‘has a time and a place,’ and that time is now, thanks to climate change

This Is Why I Call Them Pagans  A Taste for Cannibalism? A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another.

This article is what the one above it is referencing.

Traitors. They Are All Traitors. Especially the GOP. Willing Accomplices in The Greatest Crime of Our Lifetimes

All Is Not Lost The Tide Is Turning; Daunting as the task of restoring political order to America might be, there are many reasons to believe good things are right around the corner. 

But we’re going to have to fight. The enemy isn’t going to passively surrender. They leave that to the GOP.

Youth Culture is Ageist Age Discrimination: The Dark Side of Diversity

Young people are morons. Easy to deceive. Easy to bully. But the old don’t take crap from anybody. So they have to go.

Current Events 07-22-2022

This Is How Bastilles Get Stormed And Guillotines Constructed The Hypocrisy of Elites; Egalitarianism for thee, Elitism for me

They Are Going to Try To Make A Biden Win Seem Plausible Biden Is Seriously Ill; The Democrats can’t hope to win in 2024. They can only hope that getting rid of Joe Biden will make a win seem plausible. 

But then, we can’t let it get that far. If they somehow steal another election, there will be war.

Too Late For Buyer’s Remorse – You’re Stuck With the Turd You Elected The Left Should Be Happy with Biden; Since when has changing an inept messenger ever changed a disastrous message?

Ummmm… That’s The Whole Job of Government: Protecting Freedoms Limited government action may be needed to protect free speech, law professor argues

They Don’t Want Democracy – They Want Tyranny BRANDED As Democracy In The Wake Of Roe’s Demise, Democrats Are Doing All They Can To Thwart Democracy

It’s why they refer to it as OUR Democracy. Their Democracy is not what the Constitution describes.

More Please Oberlin learns a $31 million lesson for falsely accusing a local family business of racism

We need to make it easier to sue for defamation.

Hmmmm…. Can We Get MORE Lavender Panics, Please? Anti-Gay Telescope Tyranny! As we know, the sum total of human scientific endeavor must be judged by the question: Is it good for the gays?

Pure Evil. There Aren’t Words. Cool Cannibals; Companies that obtain fetal tissue from clinics and sell it to laboratories exist in a gray zone, legally.

This is why they shall always be referred to as babykillers and child murderers by me. Monstrous, evil, butchering savages.

It Was All a Lie Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns, Social Distancing

Only Criminal Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter: Black Supremacists

Let’s list all the black lives that DON”T matter to Black Lives Matter, the domestic terrorist organization:

Black babies, aborted in sky high numbers compared to other demographics.

Black children trapped in failed schools by Democrat pollicies.

Black people who are exposed to daily black-on-black crime.

Black families, under attack for fifty plus years by Democrats.

Black men, trained to be angry and violent, largely due to fatherlessness.

Black Republicans/Trump Supporters, made into pariahs.

Black business owners, whose businesses are destroyed every time these criminals riot.

Current Events 07-18-2022

There Are Solutions to the Problems Used to Justify Babykilling Here’s How The Post-Roe Right Can Reverse Anti-Family Government Policies

We must end the war on the family.

There Are Solutions to the Problems Used to Justify Redefining Marriage Gay Marriage: An Odd Solution to Legitimate Problems


They Are Not ‘Rights’ – They Are Coercive Entitlements Woke ‘Rights’ Are All Based On Coercion

Natural rights are granted by God and cannot be infringed by governments or individuals. Sodomy is not a right. Abortion is not a right. Marriage is not a right. We must vigorously resist all efforts to to use the jackboots of government diktat to impose coercive entitlements.

Sorry Handmaid Cosplayers – Handmaid’s Tale Is Racist. Apparently. Pro-Abortion Group Pleads With Activists To Stop Referencing ‘Handmaid’s Tale’; “Handmaid’s Tale references turn a blind eye to the centuries of oppression people of color … have faced”

Current Events 07-15-2022

We Live In a Communist Country Now Because George Floyd Killed Himself With a Drug Overdose Floyd Void

I was personally called a white supremacist for daring to suggest that, given the media lying about other racially charged deaths of black criminals (i.e. Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin), we should give it a few weeks for all the data to become known before jumping to any conclusions. And I WAS RIGHT. George Floyd had 4 TIMES the fatal dose of fentanyl in his blood when he died of cardiac arrest. He killed himself. Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong. I am estranged from family members STILL because of George Floyd, and the Racial Identity Cult that has grown up in our country since Obama.

Michelle Obama is a Fraud, But Not For the Reasons You Think Michelle Obama’s Changing Sexual Identity

The Sexual Identity Cult, and the Broader Critical Theory Cult, Is the New Fascism of the Totalitarian Left LGBT Activist Group Says There Isn’t Enough Censorship on Social Media

Let’s Make America Florida Again Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’

Transgenderism is Pure Misogyny What is a TERF, and why does it matter in today’s political climate?

And That Right There Is Why Corporations Want to Pay For Murder Tourism It costs $20,000 to give birth in the US, study finds

The J6 “Insurrection” Was A False Flag The Hidden Agenda Behind the New York Times’ Desperate Puff Piece on Ray Epps

Our Government is a Cabal of Thieves and Pedophiles Wealth Through Theft; Times are going to be rough, because our government has done a massive damage, an unbelievable amount of stealing and borrowing that we, ultimately, will have to pay for.

Homeschooling is No Longer an Option Homeschooling as a Safe Haven

Current Events 07-14-2022

Neo-Pagan Death Cult The Party of Violence

Stasi/FBI ‘Intimidate, humiliate, and embarrass’: Growing outcry against DOJ strong-arming of Biden critics; “Law enforcement seems to be using arrest tactics on Trump supporters that are generally reserved for violent and/or fleeing suspects,” said Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School.

We Can’t Keep Giving These Oligarchs Our Money Amazon admits to handing Ring doorbell videos over to police without user permission; The company says it gives law enforcement videos without permission exclusively in emergency situations.

There Has to Be Penalties For CRT The DEI Regime; Every Fortune 100 company has now adopted “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programmin

As If You Need More Reasons to Hate Woodrow Wilson  America Puts Aside Civil Liberties

We Have to Invade and Conquer Democrat Fiefdoms in Our Red States How the localized nature of Democrat vote tampering will influence the 2022 election

End the colonization of Red states!

That’s About the State of It Teen’s Bizarre Graphic Design Accidentally Captures Current State of American Politics, Goes Viral

And Now For Deep Thoughts, by Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Quotes As Motivational Posters, Part 2

The Left Sure Does Love Their Lynchings Why I — and other black Americans — signed that letter denouncing attacks on Justice Thomas

Current Events 07-13-2022

They Want to Physically Attack People For Wrongthink The ‘Chekhov’s Gun’ of Political Intimidation; Having brought onto stage the weapon of political intimidation, the Left intends to use it at every turn. Groups like
Shutdown D.C. and Ruth Sent Us are just the latest examples.

While Simultaneously Taking Away Your Right to Defend Yourself The Left Is Doing Its Best To Make Self-Defense A Crime

Simply Asking Questions is Violence Sen. Hawley Clashes With Berkeley Professor After She Repeatedly Uses Phrase, ‘People With the Capacity for Pregnancy’

And this alleged “violence” will be used as pretext for ACTUAL violence. Your attackers won’t be prosecuted, but YOU will if you do anything to defend yourself.

Fornication Has Consequences Abortion Restrictions Cause College Students to Realize Fornication has Consequences; College students must face the prospect of finding hobbies other than meaningless casual sex.

We Need Manly Men of ALL Colors The Rise of Black Girly Men

The GloboHomo Plan to Starve You Into Submission The Great Regression

Current Events 07-12-2022

Get Married. Have Kids. If You Won’t Do That, Then You’re Not an Adult. Generation Baby

We Must Restore Motherhood to Its Proper Place of Honor In Society Women versus Abortion

Being intentionally childless, delaying marriage, or never getting married at all, is abnormal. It goes directly against God’s command to marry and be fruitful and multiply.

Women Have Thrown Away Their Birthright Roe V. Wade Did Not Empower Women, It Lied To Them

The Left is the Enemy Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? In truth, “insurrection” has been fueled by the Left since 2015.

You Don’t Compromise With Your Enemies This Is No Time for Bipartisanship; At the very least, Republicans should stop speaking about restoring a relationship that no longer exists.

We Cannot Allow the Grooming of Children This is what happens if you introduce your child to transgender children’s books…

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire Will The U.S. Fall Just As Rome Did?

J6 Was a False Flag, All of It DEVELOPING: What you need to know about the FBI Jan 6 Proud Boys informant leak…

Current Events 07-11-2022

Damn Right We Would Without Obergefell, Most States Would Have Same-Sex Marriage Bans

Obergfell created a fake Constitutional right. Exactly like Roe did. It needs to go, along with every other similar fake right crafted out of “rights to privacy” or similar. The States, not an unelected body of judges, get to decide whether marriage will be redefined or not. Most States already had bans on their books when SCOTUS just decided for everybody. 

We Are the New Right The Age of Trump

We are kicking the surrender monkeys out of our party, getting rid of the “business as usual” do-nothing model of governance. It’s time to get it done.

This Is Bigger Than Podesta’s Emails You’ll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter’s iPhone

We Need to Divest Ourselves of the So-Called “Religious” Right Evangelical Elites Betray American Patriotism; That’s just one item in a growing list of antipathies that separate the evangelical industrial complex from everyday evangelicals.

Evangelicals have been played. The people claiming to represent us have not only never accomplished anything of value to “values voters”, they have sold us down the river. Political hucksters all of ‘em.

These people aren’t real Christians. They are PROGRESSIVE Christians, which means not Christians at all. As much traitors to our values as RINOS are to the political right.

Current Events 06-29-2022

2022 Will Go Down As A Historic Year For the Court One more blockbuster Supreme Court decision could still be coming even after Friday’s abortion ruling

West Virginia vs. EPA could end the administrative state’s power over the several States entirely.

Black Lives Matter Killed a Record Number of Black People in 2020 What the Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About 2020’s Record Murder Spike

They Aren’t Democrats – They are the Antilife Party The Antilife Party

The Dems Sure Do Love Killing Black Babies Black Abortion Rates Are As Disproportionate As Incarceration, But The Left Doesn’t Care

Current Events 06-28-2022

Yes, They Are Democrats Have Become A Serious Threat To The Republic

Question is, what do we do about it? They have already stolen an Election. They have weaponized the federal government against us. And they deem any election, law, or ruling that they don’t control to be illegitimate. It is clear they aren’t interested in any government where they do not rule over us and we are treated as subjects. So apart from war, and firing squads, how do we solve this?

At Some Point, We Have to Stand Up for the Law The Left-wing Insurrection Intensifies

And if that means shooting some Communists, then so be it.

These People Aren’t Joking – They Are Completely Serious Transgender Activist Who Created ‘Gender Unicorn’ Calls for ‘Supreme Court Assassination Challenge’

The Former VP and His Government Have Called For Insurrection Where Are the Abortion Insurrection Hearings? “The violence of their efforts literally shook the building.”

No Woman Who Truly Desires To Murder Her Baby Is Going to Be Stopped From Doing So FACT CHECK: The Truth About Miscarriages, Ectopic Pregnancies, and the End of Roe v. Wade

It’s just now, voters get to choose. Laws will be made. State constitutions will be amended. AS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE 50 YEARS AGO.

You Neo-Pagan Babykillers Did This To Yourself How MSNBC accidentally killed Roe; Tell your viewers conservatives are Neanderthals and they just might get complacent

All That Has Happened is Now States Get to Vote On This Dobbs Wasn’t a Pro-Life Victory, It Was a Victory for Federalism

You WERE ALL WRONG After Roe, Never Trumpers Should Just Admit They Were Wrong

This is Trump’s legacy. He succeeded in doing the one thing that all you uslesss RINOs claimed you were trying to accomplish and in 50 years failed to do – he got Roe overturned. So one has to ask? What have any of you actually accomplished? Fake. The GOP is controlled opposition.

These People Are Inhuman Monsters The Groomer ‘Panic’ Is a Hill Worth Dying On

Babykillers and Moloch worshippers. They can claim all they want to that they are no threat to children – we know now that was always a lie. And it’s worse than we ever thought. They want to eliminate the whole concept of childhood innocence, and normalize pedophilia.