Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 03-01-2024

GEOTUS Editorial, Via the DailyMail Joe Biden created this illegal migrant invasion – and only I can stop it

Black Women Should Not Be Allowed In ANY Positions of Power EVER DMV America: The Regime’s Fani Willis Problem, and Ours

We Need the Will to Act, Or Die American Paralysis and Decline Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate.

Do Not Ever Bow and Kiss the Ring Integrity Blockers

NYC is Destroying Itself With The Trump Verdict, Is New York City Bringing Down Its Financial House?

Current Events 02-27-2024

Big Corn is Killing America The Empire of Corn; Any attempt to break free from the tyranny of American corn is dealt with severely: just ask Mexico

Do You Or Someone You Love Suffer From TDS? There Is Help. How To Diagnose Trump Derangement Syndrome; Dr. Bezmenov’s DSM-V diagnostic of the TDS mind virus pandemic

The Inmates Are Running the Asylum The Level of Crazy in Our Society Has Reached Heights Never Seen Before

IVF Is  Being Abused to Subvert Nature Thank Alabama for the Coming Superbabies; Why affective polarization makes reproductive freedom safer

If you bought into the feminist lie and delayed childbirth until you are past your childbearing years, then too bad so sad. You don’t get to have babies. That’s the price you paid and now you have to live with the natural consequences of your decisions. I have no sympathy for elites who think they can buy their way out of the biological realities of human reproduction. These same people, who many also claim to be pro-life, have no problems with creating multiple lives in a test tube and then discarding them in the pursuit of a “viable embryo.”

This doesn’t even begin to touch the abomination of homosexuality, which wants to use biotech or surrogacy (human slavery) to overcome biological realities, such as “two males / females cannot have offspring.”

IVF is a tool, meant to aid parents with legit fertility problems, not a safety net to allow women past their prime to reverse the aging process and have babies in their mid to late 30s. And so the thing that should be non-standard, and emergencies only, becomes standard. And babies get killed. The legislature in Alabama needs to regulate Big Fertility. And until they do, the Alabama Supreme Court decision stands.

Current Events 02-19-2024

NYC is About to Find Out “F**k Around & Find Out”: Truckers Warn Loads To NYC Will Be Rejected Starting Monday

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should Scientists Resurrecting The Woolly Mammoth Are Crazy, Not ‘Cool’

Always Has Been It’s Class Warfare All the Way Down; dressed up as politics

Race warfare, gender warfare, and ideological division of all kinds are smokescreens constructed to keep proles from perceiving the REAL villains and constructing guillotines in response.

The Rent Is Too Damn High The U.S. Housing Market: Rent-Serfs and Artificial Scarcity

The Criminals Are Running the Prison No Return to Law & Order; Ideologically and demographically impossible

There is Nothing Worse Than CINOs They Got Us, Right Where They Want Us

The CIA Are the Enemies of the People How the CIA Destabilizes the World

Current Events 02-15-2024

78% of Democrats Are Traitors Who Want to Abolish Elections Rasmussen Poll: 78% of Dems Back States Removing Trump From Ballot

Civil War Is Possible, Even Likely Our Gathering Storm

We Are the Baddies What Everyone Is Missing About the Putin/Carlson Talk

Oceania Has Always Been at War With East Asia Tucker interview with Putin – Real Fact Check

If Congress Won’t Congress, Then We are Looking at Rule Without Representation What Is Congress For?

Current Events 02-14-2024

Everything is a PsyOp Land of Spooks and Shills and Sheeple; Trust is hard to find

Everybody Needs Some Old Men In Their Life The Power of Old Men; Teaching in an age-old fashion

Communists HATE old people. Why? Because they lived through the past, and thus remember it. You can’t rewrite the past if there’s a lot of old folks around to contradict you. So the olds have to go.

All Efforts to Erase the Past Are Malevolent Can Florida Halt the Woke Revolution?

Christians Have Been Made the Enemy Let’s Talk About The Gender-Poisoned Mass Shooter Trend The Media Are Trying To Hide

We had better man up and start taking the threat serious.

Okay Now, That’s Just Cool F-Zero courses from a dead Nintendo satellite service restored using VHS and AI; There’s still a $5,000 prize for the original Japanese Satellaview broadcasts.

Current Events 02-05-2024

History Should Be About Truth, Facts, and Evidence, Not Propaganda Canceled for Questioning the Story on ‘Comfort Women’; Two professors argue based on documentary evidence that the Japanese did not forcibly conscript Korean women to be prostitutes.

It’s not that the Japanese military didn’t commit atrocities. It’s just when honest historical work is done, you find the facts don’t always fit the narrative. And when you broach the subject professionally, you get cancelled. So, as is typically the case, academia has stopped being about the search for truth, and more about lockstep support for propaganda. That’s what I have a problem with.

It’s Almost Like Ivy League Colleges Only Exist to Produce More Satanic Pedophile Elites The Grand Canyon-Sized Chasm Between Elites and Ordinary Americans; Ivy Leaguers versus everyone else

We’re Going to Need More Gallows The Return of 1848

Because Of Course He Is Germany’s former top neo-Nazi hunter now being monitored as extremist

It’s Time For All the Kens to Exit Barbieland A Mainstream Consensus on the State of Men

We Need Some Old-Fashioned Trust Busting The Dirty Business of Clean Blood; We have given the power of life or death over more than half a million people to two dialysis monopolies, DaVita and Fresenius. A non-compete ban could change that.

For profit medicine necessarily corrupts the whole purpose of medicine, which is patient care. Socialized medicine only shifts the profit motive to unelected bureaucracies who now have life and death power over people, and can wield that against them if they don’t like how they vote.

Swifties Are Braindead Zombies Being Weaponized by the Deep State How The Biden Regime Is Using The Taylor Swift Op To Foment A Cultural Color Revolution To Undermine The 2024 Election

In a Word: YES Will 2024 Be the Most Dangerous Election of Our Lifetime?

The UniParty is fighting for its life.

You Can’t Trust the WHO (As if That Wasn’t Already Obvious) The Sexual Predators of the WHO

Current Events 01-22-2024

This Is Pre-Cursor To Civil War Here’s Where Democracy’s Dying…

It Is Likely Even Higher Poll: Nearly a third of voters lack confidence in 2024 presidential election

I Believe It is Deliberate 2024—America’s Year of Living Dangerously; Add it all up, and the world abroad agrees America is in rapid decline and will not or cannot defend its interests, or for that matter itself.

We cannot go down without a fight. This is OUR country. The Maoists cannot have it.

Democrats Sure Do Love Segregation The Long Shadow of Southern Segregation by Race; DEI and its advocate, Claudine Gay, marginalize Brown and take us back to Plessy, where differences in skin color justify imposing unequal opportunity on all—some to benefit at the expense of others.

We Cannot Allow America to DIE Why America’s “Anti-Discrimination” Regime Needs to Be Dismantled

This Is Nothing Less Than Human Trafficking Meet 5 Accused Pedophiles Who Bought Kids Through Surrogacy

We Do Not Know When Jesus Is Returning The Rapture Doesn’t Mean No Politics

Until he does, we have to be involved in our world.

Current Events 01-05-2024

I Want Executions Rethinking Presidential Power For The Next Trump Administration; In sharp contrast with legal scholars who readily conflate presidential and administrative power, legitimate presidential powers are now, in fact, at their weakest in history.

Make it or Break It The Year of Living Dangerously has Begun

Current Events 12-15-2023

Our Government Hates Us Big Picture Debrief – We Are in an Abusive Relationship, Accepting Isolation

MAGA or Nothing GOP Betrays Voters… Again

This is what people cannot seem to grasp. The problem isn’t the two party system in this country – the problem is the SINGLE party system we have in this country. We do not need a third party. We need a SECOND one.

The Senate Believes Trump is Going to Win in 2024 Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO

Do You TRULY Wish to Live in a Communist Country? Civilization Versus the New Nihilists; Americans must choose between civilization—or its destroyers


Current Events 12-13-2023

Knowing the Attack is Coming And Being Able to STOP It Are Two Entirely Different Things The NYT is wrong about Israeli intelligence; The IDF knew of Hamas’s plan — and made the logical call

At least now they have the opportunity to utterly exterminate Hamas.

These Demon Worshippers Want to Reduce the World Population by 90% The Totalitarian Three-Step

You read that right. NINETY.

The 1st Amendment Does NOT Protect Satanism Why the 1st Amendment Protects Religion but Not Satanism

We Are Americans White Is Not A Sign Of Deracination; The Right needs to avoid liberal myths about racial identity