Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 06-22-2020

I Would Say More Maoist China Is America Starting Down the Path of Nazi Germany?

Jacobins The 1793 Project Unmasked; The campus left was just getting started.

Come And Call Me A White Supremacist to My Face Be Careful Who You Call a White Supremacist

BLM Is a Marxist Terrorist Organization Black Lives Matter Needs To Care About All Black Lives, Not Just The Few Ended By Police
If BLM leaders care about black lives, they ought to focus on what can improve the quality of life for black Americans — starting with stronger families.

50 years of Democrat rule, and nothing has been solved. Why do you keep voting for these idiots?

Which America Do You Want? The Looming ‘1984’ Election
 Like it or not, 2020 is going to be a plebiscite on an American version of Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four.

Lock Them Up Rallygate: The New Watergate

Current Events 06-12-2020

Always Follow the Money Donations to Black Lives Matter Go to ‘ActBlue’ – The Activist Arm of the Democrat Party

BLM is a Marxist Terrorist Organization Funded Mostly By George Soros The Complex Funding and Ideology of Black Lives Matter

Democrats Are the Real White Supremacists Black Lives Matter is just another part of the left’s BIG LIE

We Are Witnessing the Rise of a New Maoism A Warning, From A Friend On Facebook

French Revolution Part Two: Electric Boogaloo The Jacobins of Our Time; In essence, this is what we’re seeing in the streets today: people who see things in black and white—not just in a racial sense—and who are certain of their own purity, certain that whatever gods may be are smiling on their works.

This Is All Part of a Strategy to Destroy America Devolution to Revolution: An Already Demoralized U.S. is Now Being Destabilized

It Is the Death of Free Thought The Revolution is Eating its Own

Surrender Monkeys Appease the Mob, Destroy the Nation “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” —Winston Churchill

A Great American Will Churchill’s Statue Be Next to Fall?

Lies On Top of Lies Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

No One Is Willing to Address the Real Problems To Truly Reduce Racial Disparities, We Must Acknowledge Black Fathers Matter; The only institution to which today’s black children are routinely denied is marriage. Their plight won’t improve until they receive equal access.

Current Events 06-03-2020

There IS NO Systemic Police Racism The Myth of Systemic Police Racism; Hold officers accountable who use excessive force. But there’s no evidence of widespread racial bias.

It Will Never Be Enough. You Can’t Expunge a Myth. The Protesters’ Impossible Demands
What do they actually want?

The Whole Concept of “Race” is a Wicked Lie Why “Racism” Isn’t Wrong

On Critical Race Theory and Riots

Elect a Democrat, watch while they run your city into the ground, blame white folks for the problems you yourself have created, burn your already impoverished city down in protest because the Democrats you elected are doing a terrible job, and never be held accountable for your actions because a lot of ignorant fools blame themselves for your problems, because they have bought the lie of critical race theory.

You know why “whites” tend to be successful? The same reason every successful American is successful – we finish school, work hard, and demand an orderly, civil society. Not because of any “white culture” that favors us over “blacks” (I hate those terms). Although, this is becoming less and less the case as more and more whites are being cast into poverty due to the ravages of drug addiction, sexual immorality, and the economic consequences of globalism. So any privilege, in other words, that we may have worked to procure for ourselves, being Americans, is being eroded.

The opportunities are still there for whoever wants them, and will work hard to get them.

What we are seeing across America is Bolshevism. It is a Communist uprising, funded by a white billionaire, and disguised as race riots. This has nothing at all to do with George Floyd. He was just the excuse. If it wasn’t him, the media would have found another. They failed to destroy our country with the China Virus panic THEY CAUSED, so now they are trying race riots, which THEY ALSO CAUSED. This is sedition, pure and simple.

As a society, we have to end this. We are being attacked as a country by Bolsheviks in academia, the media, and online. Propaganda is the cause – massive civil unrest is the result. This is how countries fall to Communism.

Current Events 04-25-2020

Will America Finally Learn Its Lesson? The scab & the wound beneath

Democrats can’t be reasoned with, can’t be bargained with, they don’t care about facts, or logic, or common sense, only the unyielding lust for ever more power at our expense. They cannot be permitted to hold government power anywhere ever again.

Will Our Civil Rights Recover Now That Leftists Have a Taste of REAL Power? Authoritarianism On The Rise In America In The Age Of Coronavirus

America First Poll Shows 2:1 Support of Trump’s Jobs-for-Americans Immigration Shift

Nationalism is no longer a dirty word.

Never Again – Learn From Sweden’s Example ‘The Pretense of Knowledge’ has Cost America Dearly

We’re Doomed If People Like This Are Allowed to Do Our Thinking Cataclysmic Feelings
A thought experiment on the value of science turns into a digression about emotional trivialities.

Current Events 02-21-2020

We Cannot Tolerate a Government That is Unresponsive to the Wishes of Its Constituency How President Trump Is Giving Hope to Forgotten Americans

Behind every populist movement are lots and lots of forgotten people.

Free Trade is a Lie FREE TRADE: A CORPORATE SCAM There’s a lot of money to be made in destroying the environment and abusing workers.

We Are Living In the Last Days of the Weimar Republic Will the Real Hitlers Please Stand Up? (The U.S. Is Skating the Edge of Legislative Tyranny)

“‘A house divided against itself cannot stand.’

I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other.” Abraham Lincoln

We Have Abandoned All Reason and Culture I Want My Weimar TV!

The Cake is a Lie The Wages of Promiscuous Sex Is Death

Necrophilia, Pedophilia, and Bestiality Are All That Remain Now Gay Marriage Was Always Leading To Polygamy; The Utah state Senate voted this week unanimously to decriminalize polygamy. It is a development every social conservative saw coming.

Call it all what it is – perversion. And the people who practice it? Perverts.

The Communist Party Tried, and Failed, and Is Still Trying, to Overthrow the Government A Key Turning Point in the Coup

We Have to Obliterate The Communist Party For All Time The Democrats’ Predicament

We Won’t Fire the First Shot, But We Will Fire the Last Ones Trump’s Success Versus the Left’s Violence; The more it hates the president, the more it enables his reelection.

Remember When Lynch Mobs Were a BAD Thing? Accusers use ‘street justice’ to harass accused students before a verdict. Their lawyers are fighting back.

Ilhan Omar Got Refugee Status, and Later Citizenship, By Means of Fraud – She Needs to Be Deported Back to Somalia Where She Belongs Omar’s Reign Of Terror

Why Do Democrats Hate Jews, and Why Do Jews Persist in Voting For Them? Mark Levin Gets Bernie Sanders; Mediaite calls Levin “nuts” for calling out Sanders on Israel and anti-Semitism.

Current Events 02-20-2020

Florida Man A Florida Man Ends Up Naked With a Taser Prong Stuck in His Privates, All Because of an Ill-Thought-Out Trip to the Grocery Store

Heathen Pagans Working to Corrupt Every Good and Decent Thing Honey, We Molested the Kids!

Precisely. Which Is Why We Can’t Believe Any News on COVID-19. China’s Government Is Like Something Out of ‘1984’

Worse By Far Than We Will Be Permitted to Know. COVID-19 – What people say, and only 5 realities

Current Events 02-19-2020

The Peasants Are Weary of the Oligarchy The Betrayal of the Elites

That Pesky Democracy WaPo Op-Ed Calling For Less Democracy Sparks Swift Backlash

So long as the system was rigged, and the Establishment chose the leaders and permitted us the illusion of voting for them every 4 years, then everything was fine. But once we seized that power and wielded it, suddenly “Democracy is in danger.” The truth is, they, the Left, wish they could make our country Socialist. They have made that clear. We must not let them.

Barack Obama Was a Traitor, and All You Bigots Who Voted For the Skin Color But Paid No Attention to the Man Are Fools Barack Obama: A Traitor for the Ages

Men Aren’t the Problem – FEMININE Men Are The Atlantic Obviously Doesn’t Have Any Idea ‘What It Means To Be A Man’; The Atlantic’s new cover story is just the latest installation in its long attack on manhood. But the author’s findings don’t support the existence of rampant toxic masculinity.

How Can Anything Be Considered ‘Evil’ If the Concept is Merely a Social Construct? Atheist Richard Dawkins Is, Sort Of, Talking Approvingly About Cannibalism, Again

Soylent green is people!

Mormons Gonna’ Mormon Utah Senate votes to decriminalize polygamy among consenting adults

We Are Only Silent Because the Bolsheviks Will Kill Us If We Speak Trump’s Whisper Network
What happens when the left cedes the free speech high ground?

He Did Apologize, Stupid Whoopi Goldberg Says She Won’t Criticize Any Democrats Until Trump Apologizes for the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape. But There’s a Problem With That

Cement Milkshake Inbound #WalkAway: Democrat Who Left Party After Attending Trump Rally Not Backing Down in the Face of Harassment

Why Are We Funneling Money to Every Craphole Country in the World, But Ignoring Our Own Country’s Needs? If Duterte Wants Us Out, Let’s Go

Current Events 02-11-2020

I Don’t Know That I Fear Them, But I DO Recognize the Threat Why Ignorant Young Americans Like Buttigieg, AOC, And David Hogg Should Scare You; From media, to entertainment, to finance and big business, all must abide by the dictates of a new religious class, the priests of progressivism.

It is a political cult, like Maoism. And like Maoism, they will try to kill us if they get the chance. We must not give them that chance. All ideas are not valid, all ideologies are not true. There is truth, and there is falsehood. This is falsehood, and so should be opposed vigorously and unashamedly.

Where Do You Think You’re Going!? AOC to Blacks: Get Back on the Plantation; Attacks Rush Limbaugh as “virulent racist.”

We Must Resist Tyranny, Or Else Lose All Right to Do So Totalitarianism And Ignorance

I Cannot Say It Enough – Focus on the Result The Evangelical Divide; The evangelical rank and file know full well who’s on their side.

No “righteous” candidate ever did as much for religious freedom and the rights of the unborn as Donald J Trump.

We’ve Been Divided For Some Time. We Won’t Remain So Forever. Long Before Trump, We Were a Divided People

What They Cannot Do By Law, They Do Through Exploiting the Freedoms That Ought to Protect Us Progressives Find New Ways To Discriminate Against Conservatives

Promises Made, Promises Kept Donald Trump’s Budget Promises 1,000 Miles of Border Wall

Current Events 02-05-2020

You Cannot Claim to Love America and Not Love Americans SOTU Clarifies the Choice in November; It boils down to a love for Americans and our liberty versus a lust for power and control over others.

You Can’t Vote For Democrats If You Love Your Country The Five Worst Moments of the Democrats’ SOTU; They’re so awful it’s shocking.

They hate us. Is this not yet clear to you, Democrat voter? You’re voting Democrat due to some misplaced loyalty to a Party that disappeared decades ago. The only difference between then and now is that now they are open and honest in how much they hate us and hate our country. This Party does not deserve anybody’s vote, unless their goal is the destruction of our country. In which case, you’re a traitor too, and a willing participant in the evils of the most diabolical ideological cult since Chairman Mao.

Great Week to Be a Trump Supporter Completely Tearing Up — Over the Best Week in the Entire Trump Presidency; Even Nancy the Ripper couldn’t spoil it.

It’s okay to love America.

PA is Trump Country Now SOTU: President Trump Has Delivered for Northeastern Pennsylvania…and Pennsylvania Will Deliver Victory in 2020

They Aren’t Going to Give Up Their Ill-Gotten Power Willingly Facing Up To the Revolution
Our ultimate objective, unlike that of our enemies, is “peace among ourselves and with all nations.” But what kind of peace we may get depends on the extent to which we may compel our enemies to leave us in peace. And for that, we must do unto them more and before they do unto us.

We have to take it from them. By force if necessary.

Anti-America Propaganda Month Saying No to Black History Month

We Cannot Spare This Man If Ruth Bader Ginsburg Can Beat Cancer, So Must Rush

Mayor Cheat #MayorCheat Trends as Pete Buttigieg’s Iowa Machinations Come to Light