This Is Outrageous
They can flag you as anything. Any time. And then they take your right to buy a gun. Craziness.
They can flag you as anything. Any time. And then they take your right to buy a gun. Craziness.
Derek Chauvin did not kill George Floyd. George Floyd OD’d. The officers tried to get medical assistance, but the ambulance did not make it in time. He was dying already from a fentanyl overdose when they arrived on scene. America did not deserve insurrection, murder, violence, rioting, looting and burning form the terrorist Marxist organization Black Lives Matter over this. White people did not deserve charges of racism, conscious or unconscious, over this. The media lied and people died. Politicians were complicit, and people died. They are guilty of treason and sedition.
This godless, heathen Democrat city state that celebrated the murder of babies by lighting One World Trade Center pink. Can’t own guns if you’re lawful, but all the criminals and gangbangers seem to have them. And now checkpoints and secret police. This isn’t America anymore.
I told you. Didn’t I say, again and again, on deaf ears – “Wait for all the facts to come out.” ? Once again, the media beats the drum of systemic racism, and once again, the truth of what ACTUALLY happened turns out to be quite different. They pulled this seditious crap with Rodney King, and with Michael Brown, and with Eric Garner, and now George Floyd. Floyd was a criminal. He had a history of drug abuse and violence. He was in the middle of overdosing on fentanyl when the police arrived. Watch the video. You can see he is agitated, mentally disturbed, and he is repeatedly complaining of difficulty breathing, BEFORE Officer Chauvin restrains him on the ground with his knee. His agitation, his physical fight of the officers, and his ongoing fentanyl overdose, combined with a bad heart, killed him. It was an accidental death. And for weeks, WEEKS, I have watched my country burn, had good friends (thought they were good friends) sever themselves from me, and been called, and watched every other white American be called racist over this. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. And the media and politicians who have participated in this are guilty of treason.
Here is the full 18 minutes of video. Sure would have been useful to have this 30 days ago, you know, before 100s of millions of dollars in property damage and 30 people shot and killed by rioters. He was dying of a fentanyl overdose. The officers did not realize this, and were too busy trying to restrain a combative suspect. They weren’t abusive to him, other than having to struggle to control the frenzied, much larger man. By the time they realized what was happening, he had died. It’s terrible to watch. The fact is, the media lied, again, and people died, again. This was all so unnecessary.
(Hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin or doxycycline + zinc) + Early Treatment = Ending the Virus The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It
There is a cure. We have it right now. The problem is the cure is cheap. Nobody will make billions off a 50 year old drug that costs little and needs no FDA approval. The problem is too many Leftists are drunk with the power the pandemic has given them, and don’t ever want the Scamdemic to end. And the people who will not see this are fools.
Masks Don’t Work When It Comes to Masks, There Is No “Settled Science”
Masks not only don’t work, they are harmful. Mask wearing nowadays has nothing to do with stopping disease, and everything to do with massive government overreach. The mask robs of us our individuality. It forces us to bow the knee to government power. It robs us of our dignity. And it divides people into camps, the rational, responsible types vs. the slavering violent Left who hate everything about America and see this as one more thing to virtue signal and shame people about.
How can it be any more clear what’s going on here?
There are Many Savages, But None of Them Were Ever Noble The World Columbus Discovered Was Filled With “People”
Do you like not being a slave? Do you like being able to vote, or own property, or not be snatched up and raped by marauders? Do you enjoy modern medicine, increased lifespans, better diets, and numerous luxuries and creature comforts? Thank Western Civilization.
The Left would rather people die than the President be right about anything. This is pure evil.
Original link:
We must be punished for voting Trump. And these violent, dangerous Marxists think that if they punish us enough, then people will vote for Biden and for Democrats out of a desire for change. That would kill this country. Then all possibility of ever voting them out again will be gone for good. They don’t plan on losing power ever again.
This Is Insurrection What’s Really Happening In America?
The President has to invoke the Insurrection Act and go after the organizers and financiers – they are guilty of sedition.
Democrat Slush Fund Black Lives Don’t Matter To #BlackLivesMatter
It’s not about black lives mattering, it’s about raising millions for Marxist causes. It’s about funding Democrat re-elections. It’s about funding the violent rioting and looting across America.
Christians Cannot Support Black Lives Matter, Inc. 6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM
If the Dems Somehow Manage to Win, We Will Have to Secede Will 2021 Be 1984? It’s all about the power, not the equality.
This is 1860.
Baseball Is Dead Rabbi Calls for Baseball Boycott Until MLB; Disengages from Hate-Filled Politics of BLM
Any sport that supports a Marxist, anti-American, racist, terrorist organization such as Black Lives Matter, Inc. is unworthy of our support. This isn’t baseball anymore.
We Cannot Be Intimidated by Mask Nazis Woman maces couple for not wearings masks in San Diego park
Stand your ground patriots. Mask nazis want to dominate and suppress you. And since they view you as a threat, then it is acceptable to assault you, in their minds. They are Maoists. You have to resist.
China is Our Enemy No, Silly Libs, Trump Isn’t Hitler. But This Tyrant Just Might Be a Modern Version of the Nazi…
Our Corporations Directly Profit From Slave Labor in China Calls Growing for Woke Big-Name Fashion Brands to Stop Profiting Off of Uighur Labor
And then have the gall to call us all racists while they funnel 100s of millions of dollars into Black Lives Matter, Inc.