Current Events 08-24-2019

This Is How Red Flag Laws Will Be Used to Take Guns From the Lawful RED FLAG Gun Laws: Connecticut Man’s Firearms Seized Because His SON Shared a Meme on Facebook

It’s not a crime to call homosexuals sexual deviants, or transgenders mentally ill. They are not normal. They’re perverts. But don’t you dare say so, or they’ll slap a “phobic” label on you and take your guns.

Still Think It’s Absurd? Was Greenland “for sale” when the Chinese were shopping in 2017?

Once Any Kind of Censorship is Allowed, No One is Safe Liberal Media Suddenly Fear Censorship. Guess Why?

Current Events 08-19-2019

#NeverTrump is Never America Now I’ll Be Voting for President Trump and Vice President Pence in 2020

I don’t care about your conscience. I don’t care about your feelings. I am unruffled by the President’s tweets. I do care, very much, about the abomination that is the Democrat Party. I am deeply troubled by the direction they have very publicly stated they wish to take the country. Democrats seizing power would be the worst of all possible outcomes. So if you consider yourself a conservative and still think of yourself as a “NeverTrumper”, then I will call you what you are – a fool. A useful idiot. And an unwitting dupe and servant of the radical Left. 

Failure to cast a vote in this next election is a vote for the Democrats. They make bank on low Republican voter turnout. Voting 3rd party is a guaranteed Democrat win. They fund 3rd party candidates for that very purpose – siphoning votes away from the Republican candidate so they and their illegal immigrant voters can win close races.

There are no non-combatants anymore.

We Don’t Need Trump to Be Our Pastor. We Only Need Him to Keep His Promises, Which Includes Defending our Religious Freedoms. In God’s country; Evangelicals view Trump as their protector. Will they stand by him in 2020?

Don’t Knock It ’Til You Try It Ignorant Liberals Need To Go Visit America

Current Events 08-15-2019

Leftists Are The Real Racists We Don’t Have a Problem with White Supremacy. We Have a Problem with Leftist Supremacy

There is Only One Race – The Human Race It’s Time to Admit It: There’s No Such Thing as ‘Race’

Nor Shall I Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

The only privilege I can see is the elitist privilege enjoyed by Leftists.

Leftists Live In a Bubble. They Don’t Live in Reality. America has become a fantasy land

Case in Point Fake News: Trump Official Did Not Say Statue of Liberty Poem Was Only for Europeans

To My Fellow Monsters

Why do they call us white supremacists and racists? I say us, because the message is clear: anybody who supports the President is a white supremacist and a racist. According to the Left. This is a tactic common in totalitarian regimes. It is part of a process of dehumanization that occurs preceding marginalization and extermination. In other words, genocide. Is it really that serious? Think about it. If I am a person, then I have to be reasoned with, persuaded, compromised with. If am a person, then we have to work to live alongside one another peaceably using the same social compact of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that all Americans once espoused. But if I am a racist, a white supremacist, then I am no longer a person. I am a monster. And you don’t cooperate with monsters. You don’t talk to monsters, or reason with them, or try to see things from their perspective. You kill monsters. And that, fellow deplorables, “racists”, and “white supremacists”, is what the Left wishes to do to us.

Current Events 08-08-2019

When They Call The President a Racist and Everyone Who Voted For Him a Racist, Where Else Can We Go From Here But Civil War? America Is Drowning in the Left’s Lies About Trump

They Clearly Want War The Media Crossed A Line This Week And There’s No Going Back

The Left Is Filled With Dangerous Lunatics ‘Things Are Getting Dangerously Crazy On The Left’: Watch Tucker’s Latest Analysis. Do It Now. Watch It Three Times If You’re Smart

Case in Point ESPN Pulls Trailer for Movie Where Liberals Hunt ‘Deplorables’ for Sport

There Is No White Racism, But There is An Awful Lot of Racism Against Whites After Mass Shootings, Trump Blamed for ‘Increasing Racism’ — But Is White Racism Really Increasing?

This Is The World Liberals Have Made We Killed God, Family, And Community — And Now It’s Killing Us; We have discarded social institutions that have helped people understand their value and place in the world for thousands of years. And their decline is not just mirrored in the rise of mass shootings.

This Is What REAL Racism Looks Like West African slavery lives on, 400 years after transatlantic trade began

Why Do Mass Shootings Happen?

Why do mass shootings happen? Let me stop you before you pipe up “because of guns”. If it wasn’t guns, it would be some other weapon. The calls to ban guns aren’t made from compassion, but from a callous desire to politicize tragedy and disarm the lawful. So that’s a non-starter. So why mass shootings? There are probably multiple factors in play. Here are a few. 1) Men, in particular white men, are demonized and marginalized in our culture. 2) Mental illness is everywhere and untreated. 3) Our culture is indifferent towards death. 4) Our media encourages violence towards its political enemies.

In such a culture, you can see how an angry white man, struggling with mental problems and paranoia, could latch onto the Central American invasion of Southern America, which is a real thing by the way, and decide to “do something about it”, in this instance, shooting a bunch of innocent people. It’s a despicable action, but an understandable one. Most of the time, it is Leftists trying to kill people they deem to be Trump supporters. This case in El Paso is unique. And of course, it is getting all the press.

Stand firm folks. We don’t need more gun laws. What we need is accountability for a media that encourages racial hatred of white people, misandry, and violence towards its enemies. We have to stop allowing the murder of innocents, whether through abortion, or later through Leftist ideology and its consequences. We have to rebuild our homes, so young men are raised in an environment where they are nurtured and loved, and socialized by their fathers to be dignified, self-controlled and self-assured, and honorable.

We can’t keep blaming lawful gun owners for the actions of lunatics. We are the last people who would ever harm anybody with a firearm, and the first ones to react should a mass shooting occur. We can’t keep calling the President and everybody who supports him racist. All that does is firm our resolve to fight back should you fascists ever get power. The only violence being stoked in this country is the hate-filled, wicked rhetoric spewing forth from Leftist mouths like a steady stream of raw sewage. It has to stop.

Some Thoughts on Racism

Some thoughts on racism. Racism is as old as humanity itself. It starts with hatred for you brother, for which Jesus said you are worthy of Hell. I am not talking about dislike, disagreement, or having an opposing viewpoint. I mean deep down, irrational, murderous hate for another human being. The kind of hate that made Cain murder his brother Abel. That hate, given time, will take root and become prejudice. Prejudice is hatred directed at a group. We see this all the time. Leftists hate white people in general, men in particular, and white Christian men most of all. They make assumptions about us because we fall into that category. That’s prejudice, or bigotry. And the Left is loaded with bigotry towards an awful lot of people. Black people can be bigots. Mexicans (and other folks from points further South) can be bigots. Anybody can. Because they have a human heart and hate is a sin every mortal can be tempted with. That brings us to racism. Racism according to the dictionary is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” It’s more systemic than plain old bigotry. Racism is what you get when Democrats get majority power. It’s a political system that obsesses about race, makes all its decisions based on it, and actively seeks to punish those not in the “favored races or grievance groups”. Historically it was blacks and Jews that Democrats hated the most. They built an entire culture of discrimination based on segregation and codified into law in the form of Jim Crow. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Another example is the treatment Jews received in Nazi Germany and Tsarist Russia. Or apartheid in South Africa. Or how the British treated the Irish. That’s racism. We have nothing like it at all in America anymore. You know why? Because a lot of white Christian men killed it for good. Republicans, the party of abolition, killed racism in America. When Democrats tar everybody who oppose them as racist, they rob the word of its meaning. They stoke grievances that have no basis in reality anymore. They pit American against American. And they do so with the goal of gaining absolute power. Don’t fall for it. It’s not racist to demand accountability from lawmakers who happen to have a bit more melanin in their skin. There are no “people of color”. Only people. And if everybody is racist then no one is.

Current Events 07-25-2019

Fake Hate Crimes and Fake News If America Is A Racist Country, Why Do People Have To Constantly Invent Fake Hate Crimes?

You SHOULD Go Back. To the Other Line. This Is the Express Line. Police witness: Georgia legislator is the one who told man to “go back”

Why Should We Be “Civil”? Civil is Code For “You All Stop Talking.” After Trump’s ‘Racist’ Tweets, Dems Demand ‘Civility,’ But When Have They Practiced It?

Why are they permitted to get away with this crap? I say, every time one of these Leftists calls somebody racist they should be punched in the face. Then, maybe they’ll learn to keep their bigoted mouths shut.

Ilhan Omar is the Child of War Criminals Ilhan Omar’s Father and Other Somalian War Crimes Perpetrators Now Living Illegally in the US

Read a Book The Anti-Cultural Nihilism of the Left

Current Events 07-17-2019

I Think She SHOULD Go Back, Since She Committed Immigration Fraud New documents revisit questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage history

Also, she’s an anti-Semitic, un-American, bigot.

Not If Her Citizenship is Illegitimate Length of Citizenship Excuses Ilhan Omar

Keep ‘Em Coming, POTUS The white supremacy phantom
Does Donald Trump’s habit of tweaking the commentariat mean he must be impeached?

It’s not racist to call a bigot a bigot, as if the higher concentration of melanin in their skin gives them a pass on being bigots.

We Will Be All One Thing, Or All Another – We Cannot Remain Divided The Hidden Fronts in the Culture Wars; Can an anti-American America survive?

Kamala Harris is NOT African-American The Left’s Shorthand Smear Tactics
Racist! Birther! Smears!

What, Apart From Spreading AIDS in America, Has the Alphabet Soup Cult Contributed? Is Trump’s Pandering to the LGBTQ Crowd a Political Ploy?

Current Events 07-08-2019

I’m Going to Have to Say No Is America Still the Land of the Free?

Corporate Fascism Woke Capitalism’s Cultural Imperialism

This is not how capitalism is supposed to work.

You’re Only “Racist” When They Wish to Destroy You The Democrats’ Situational Racism

Democrats Hate America The Left’s War Against America

Stop Celebrating Buggery Then They Came for…Betsy Ross? Jefferson? July 4th? AMERICA?