Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 07-28-2020

(Hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin or doxycycline + zinc) + Early Treatment = Ending the Virus The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It

There is a cure. We have it right now. The problem is the cure is cheap. Nobody will make billions off a 50 year old drug that costs little and needs no FDA approval. The problem is too many Leftists are drunk with the power the pandemic has given them, and don’t ever want the Scamdemic to end. And the people who will not see this are fools. 

Masks Don’t Work When It Comes to Masks, There Is No “Settled Science”

Masks not only don’t work, they are harmful. Mask wearing nowadays has nothing to do with stopping disease, and everything to do with massive government overreach. The mask robs of us our individuality. It forces us to bow the knee to government power. It robs us of our dignity. And it divides people into camps, the rational, responsible types vs. the slavering violent Left who hate everything about America and see this as one more thing to virtue signal and shame people about.


How can it be any more clear what’s going on here?

There are Many Savages, But None of Them Were Ever Noble The World Columbus Discovered Was Filled With “People”

Do you like not being a slave? Do you like being able to vote, or own property, or not be snatched up and raped by marauders? Do you enjoy modern medicine, increased lifespans, better diets, and numerous luxuries and creature comforts? Thank Western Civilization.

Forbidden Videos

The Left would rather people die than the President be right about anything. This is pure evil.

Original link:

Current Events 07-27-2020

We must be punished for voting Trump. And these violent, dangerous Marxists think that if they punish us enough, then people will vote for Biden and for Democrats out of a desire for change. That would kill this country. Then all possibility of ever voting them out again will be gone for good. They don’t plan on losing power ever again.

This Is Insurrection What’s Really Happening In America?

The President has to invoke the Insurrection Act and go after the organizers and financiers – they are guilty of sedition.

Current Events 07-26-2020

Democrat Slush Fund Black Lives Don’t Matter To #BlackLivesMatter

It’s not about black lives mattering, it’s about raising millions for Marxist causes. It’s about funding Democrat re-elections. It’s about funding the violent rioting and looting across America.

Christians Cannot Support Black Lives Matter, Inc. 6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM

If the Dems Somehow Manage to Win, We Will Have to Secede Will 2021 Be 1984? It’s all about the power, not the equality.

This is 1860.

Baseball Is Dead Rabbi Calls for Baseball Boycott Until MLB; Disengages from Hate-Filled Politics of BLM

Any sport that supports a Marxist, anti-American, racist, terrorist organization such as Black Lives Matter, Inc. is unworthy of our support. This isn’t baseball anymore.

We Cannot Be Intimidated by Mask Nazis Woman maces couple for not wearings masks in San Diego park

Stand your ground patriots. Mask nazis want to dominate and suppress you. And since they view you as a threat, then it is acceptable to assault you, in their minds. They are Maoists. You have to resist.

China is Our Enemy No, Silly Libs, Trump Isn’t Hitler. But This Tyrant Just Might Be a Modern Version of the Nazi…

Our Corporations Directly Profit From Slave Labor in China Calls Growing for Woke Big-Name Fashion Brands to Stop Profiting Off of Uighur Labor

And then have the gall to call us all racists while they funnel 100s of millions of dollars into Black Lives Matter, Inc.

Current Events 07-24-2020

It’s Time To Walk Away The Armed Wing Of The Democratic Party

These aren’t the Democrats your parents and grandparents voted for. This is the Marxist Party of America, and they won’t stop until the America you love is destroyed and we are plunged into despotism.

The Party of Slavery and Jim Crow Has to Go Rep. Louie Gohmert: ‘It’s Time to #CancelDemocrats’; Congressman introduces resolution demanding name change for party tied to Confederacy and Klan.

You can’t be Christian and vote Democrat.

We Can’t Remain Silent Anymore More Evidence That Trump’s Silent Majority Is Real; New poll says moderates and conservatives are genuinely afraid to discuss their politics.

China Is Our Enemy China Closing Its Houston Consulate Is A Sign We’re In A New Cold War; It’s always ominous when a diplomatic mission destroys documents. Whatever the reason behind China’s frantic purge at its Houston consulate, it isn’t good.

They employ slave labor to manufacture our goods. They wage economic and information war against our country. They loose plagues on the world and sit back and watch it burn. We should not be trading or dealing with this country in any form.

Child Rapists Would Like to Exit the Closet Also Do Global Elites Commit Crimes Against Children?

If society has declared other perversions (sodomy, transgenderism, fornication, adultery) to be normal and acceptable, then how can we say yes to those perverts, but continue to say no to pedophiles? It’s the very slippery slope that we always argued would occur. Nobody listened. So here we are.

Current Events 07-21-2020

Why Are We Buying Products Assembled By Slaves? America’s New Slaveowners

So we abolish slavery, pass the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, but slavery is still okay as long as it happens in some other country? No corporation that benefits from forced labor should be receiving our money.

Whatever Happened to Freedom of Speech? No Longer Possible to Be a Democrat and Support Free Speech

Kanye Would Be Wasted as President There’s A Cause That Could Use Kanye’s Support. It’s Not Chasing The White House

Black Humanity Matters The Dehumanization of Blacks

David Duke Couldn’t Have Said it Any Better (referring to the Smithsonian) Josh Hawley Asks Smithsonian, Do You Agree That ‘All Men Are Created Equal’?

As If There Was Any Doubt What BLM REALLY Desires BLM Activist Says White Men Are ‘The Common Enemy’, ‘We Need to Get Rid of Them’

Black Lives Matter, Inc. is a Marxist, Black Supremacist terrorist organization. They might as well be wearing Klan hoods.

This is absolutely despicable. Fake News New York Times is inciting violence against Tucker Carlson.

Current Events 07-13-2020

The Coming Cultural Revolution Remember The Red Guards Before You Cheer The Woke Mobs; Today statues, tomorrow mass firings—or even worse. There’s a history here.

Even if we win in November, and I think we will, these people aren’t going to go away. They are going to become more strident, more violent, more aggressive in their tactics. Their hegemony in academia, in woke corporate boardrooms, in Hollywood and in Democrat city-states across America cannot remain unchallenged. These people are not Americans – they are Bolsheviks.

Protect Your Daughters Why Do So Many White Women Hate Themselves? Amid societal unrest, woke white women are proving to be a brainwashed force to be reckoned with.

It’s Time to Wise Up Americans – Homeschooling is No Longer an Option If You Love Your Kids and Care How They Turn Out I’d Rather Homeschool Than Put My Kids In A Coronavirus Prison School

Public schools and secular universities are not places of learning – they are Leftist indoctrination centers.

You Must LOVE Big Brother Georgetown senate publicly condemns student for rejecting Black Lives Matter movement

If You Have Backed BLM (Bolshevik Lives Matter) You Don’t Deserve Our Money Companies Must Answer For Their Support Of The Radical Black Lives Matter Org

NeverTrumpers are Tories NeverTrumpers Out of the Closet as Liberal Democrats in Drag

They clearly think they can throw this election like they did in 2018, and remain unaffected. That’s what Robespierre thought during the Terror. And they beheaded him too.

The Love Of Many Has Grown Cold Anti-Natalists: The Dead Enders of Cultural Self-Hatred

We Aren’t Going to Get Anymore of Those Superhero Movies: An American Invention; They’re accessible, dependable, and fun — what’s not to like?

Marvel has made it clear – they are going woke. So we won’t get American superhero movies from here on out. They will spoil that genre like Leftists spoil everything.

Current Events 07-11-2020

Unfit Tracking Biden’s Mental Decline; It’s only getting worse.

Masks Are For Homos Of Masks and Men; Political grandstanding runs up against constitutional limits.


I Know Which Side I’M On Race in America: Two Opposing Narratives

White Leftists Are the Worst, Especially Karens Two Important Questions for White Democrats in 2020; Cultural Marxism’s organic logic is merciless—especially for its adherents.

It’s Time – They’re Useless How to Break Up the FBI; No wonder the calls to “defund the police” never mention the FBI. The mob knows a friend when it sees one.

How About Rooting For America For a Change, You Commie Scumbags? Time for American Companies to Remember Who Their Friends Are