Current Events 11-02-2018

They Hate America. Democrats Have Never Forgiven Republicans For Taking Their Slaves, Preserving the Union The Democratic Party Is Working To Destroy The American Way Of Life; At this moment in history, the Democratic Party belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate America’s way of life.

Birthright Citizenship is a Myth Birthright Citizenship: It’s About The Law, Not Mob Rule

The 14th Amendment Guaranteed Citizenship to  Slaves and Children of Slaves Freed By the Civil War The True History Of Millstone Babies

This Man is Guilty of Sedition The Truth about George Soros Is Damning Enough

Violent Left The Link Between Rhetoric and Violence

Current Events 10-29-2018

Never Let Them Gaslight You, and Never Go Along to Get Along Maybe It’s Time To Stop Trying To Get Along

Participating in Your Government With the Goal of Eliminating Evil, Defending Righteousness, Is VERY Christian Time for Christians to Politically Follow Jesus

National Voter ID Now The Biannual ‘Voter Suppression’ Scam; The Dems need this fiction to camouflage fraud.

Current Events 10-19-2018

The Media is the Enemy of Free People – We Should Not Care What They Say or Think Trump Has Freed the Republican Party from the Media

The Brownshirts Won’t Tolerate Dissent Left-Wing Violence Ramps Up As Election Nears — And Dems Yawn

Jobs, not mobs.

Affirmative Action is Bigotry How Elizabeth Warren Made Identity Politics Work…for Her

None Dare Call It Sedition Illegal Caravans Encouraged by Honduras and Soros

The Techopoly is Against Free Speech A Letter From Facebook Jail; The casualties of Big Tech’s assault on free expression.

Current Events 10-16-2018

Elite Schools Are Bigots Harvard’s racism cannot stand — Elite universities have protected the diversity sham for too long

Do You Seriously Want to Return the Party of Evil to Power? Why Vote for Democrats?

We Have to Keep Winning The Second Most Important Election

Bamboozled Black Conservatives Aren’t Sellouts, Black Liberals Are Just Duped

Leaving the Plantation Trump Has Inspired A Red Wave — Of Black Candidates And Voters

We Got a Runaway! The Dems Lose it Over Kanye

Democrats Are a Cult How San Francisco’s Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Jim Jones, Down the Memory Hole Drinking the Kool-Aid: Remember When Jim Jones Was a Hero to Democrats?

Fauxcahontas Cherokee Nation Blasts Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test as ‘Mockery’ and ‘Inappropriate

Truth “People just can’t know that.” MO Sen. McCaskill Hides Agenda Including “semi-automatic rifle ban” from Moderate Voters, Staffers Reveal in Undercover Video it “could hurt her ability to get elected.”

Abortion is Murder 5 Epic Pro-Life Smackdowns That Speak Truth To Abortion Power

Stockpile Bullets The Left Doesn’t Just Want To Take Your Guns, But Also Your Ammo; D.C. and New York impose high costs to own arms and ammunition, California requires technology that is expensive at best and nonexistent at worst, and ammunition taxes nakedly drive up costs.

Guns Made America Great How Guns Made America; And made her great, Mr. Cuomo.

Current Events 10-15-2018

Murdering, Butchering, Evil Chicoms China Defends Million-Prisoner ‘Re-Education Camps’ for Uighur Muslims

We Are Losing Freedom of Speech Because We Don’t Control the Platforms Internet Censorship Just Took An Unprecedented Leap Forward, And Hardly Anyone Noticed

Bring It On Hillary Clinton wants a war on civility? That will cost Democrats, big time

Settled Science Isn’t Science No, You Cannot Debate Global Warming

We Use It Because It Works Why we can’t quit the QWERTY keyboard

Believe Truth Believe Emmett Till; The inquisitors at USC are no longer capable of doing so.

Red Wave Rising Seven Key Reasons Republicans Are Trending Up For The Midterms

Current Events 10-11-2018

These People Are Dangerous Hillary Clinton Is Dangerous; Neither she nor her party can be trusted with power anymore.

Democrats Have a Track Record of Tearing Down the Government When They Don’t Get Their Way GOP Voters Need to Remain Fired Up Despite Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

If it’s war you want, then it’s war you shall get. And we’ll defeat you again.

Violent Left Are The Democrats Trying To Get People Killed?

These People Are Fascists Burning Books Is the Next Honest Step for the Kavanaugh-hating Left

Thought Police and the Ministry of Truth The Smears to Come

We Voted For Trump for a Reason Brett Kavanaugh and a #NeverTrump Writer’s Reckoning

We Cannot Yield Our Nation to Mob Rule As Democrats Push Mob Mentality, Media Repeatedly Insist There’s No Such Thing As A Democratic Mob

Denying the Left the Power of Judicial Tyranny For a Generation Trump’s Not Resting After Kavanaugh — He Just Named 13 More Judicial Nominees

Capitalism Is a Miracle of Modern Ingenuity The Ironic Curse of the Free Market; Capitalism is taken for granted while socialism never has to answer for its myriad sins.

China Is Still a Threat, More So Than Even Russia It’s Long Past Time To Start Treating China As An Adversary; The Trump administration says it will push back against Chinese military aggression, espionage, debt diplomacy, and human rights abuses. It’s about time.

Women Have It Pretty Great In America It’s Actually Pretty Great To Be A Woman In America; The confluence of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the one-year anniversary of Me Too is inspiring a markedly, if expectedly, intense wave of negativity about women’s stature in America.

Feminism is a misandrist lie. It is also anti-woman.

Red Wave Rising

I hope this latest Democrat-created debacle illustrates for many of you what I have been saying for ages – we cannot be bi-partisan. This is because the Democrat party is the party of evil. You cannot be unified with evil. There was a time when both parties were basically pro-American, had similar goals, but slightly different ways of reaching them, but those days are long gone. We can’t work with these people. We can’t accommodate them. We can’t “reach across the aisle.” We can only defeat them. Democrats are the enemies of free people. They hate our country. They hate our Christian faith. They hate our traditions and cultural values. They hate. They must be driven by legal means from every position of power never to return. Vote. Get yourself to the polls and vote. Send the RINOs and the Communist-Democrats down in flames. There’s a red wave rising… 

Current Events 10-05-2018

Anybody Would Be Emotional When Slandered in This Way I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge; Yes, I was emotional last Thursday. I hope everyone can understand I was there as a son, husband and dad.

The Communist Party Wants to Overthrow the U.S. Government We Are All Deplorables Now

Maosim In America New Anti-Kavanaugh Claim: If I Was Hurt By Someone Who Isn’t Brett Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh Is Guilty

Enemies of the State When Did the Democratic Party Become Antifa? Apparently when they tasted the appeal of Bolshevism.

John Stormer Is Spinning in His Grave The Whirlwind Is Already Here; Judge Kavanaugh was understating the problem.

Perjury Charges For Christine Ford, Disbarment For Her Lawyers Senate Judiciary Committee Statement Suggests Ford’s Legal Team Could Be In Trouble

If They Apologize, They Admit THEY Are the Villains Here Why The Left Will Never Apologize For Brutalizing Brett Kavanaugh And His Family; If Kavanaugh is innocent of sexual assault, then those who eagerly condemned him are guilty of slander, bias, and poor judgment. Thus, they have to believe that Kavanaugh is a monster

All you people who participated in the slander and libel, are you going to apologize for how very wrong you were? Not likely.

#MeToo (Like Most Feminist Things) Will Only Harm Women New Rules for Men

If We Are to Be Ruled By a Mob, Then There Is No Republic So, What Are The Rules Anyway?

Violent Left I’m a pro-life woman. This man just roundhouse-kicked me in public for my beliefs

Liars and Murderers The Irish Mother Emma Watson Wrote To Didn’t Die Because Abortion Was Illegal; Savita Halappanavar’s name was invoked to repeal Ireland’s life protections, and Emma Watson just did it again. But using her story this way is simply a misrepresentation of the facts.

What Are You Doing Outside the Plantation? Teacher Ridicules Black Child for Supporting President Trump

This Is Why We Call it the People’s Republic of Illinois Mike Madigan’s Personal Tyranny

Old Wounds

As a friend of mine pointed out, this wretched show trial, this character assassination of an innocent man, has dredged up a lot of bad memories and feelings for a lot of victims of despicable male behavior. I have to think this was the goal. The Democrats are hurting you in order to keep a guy off the Supreme Court. They want you to react emotionally, to put you right back in those bad feelings, and then transfer those bad feelings to another, in this case Judge Kavanaugh. They are exploiting your trauma, your pain, to achieve their goals. This makes their already wicked actions that much more wicked.

Whatever may have happened to you, I am very sorry it did. It angers and disgusts me that a man would ever harm a woman. My father (a man) raised me better than that. Most of us are the same. We have sisters, mothers, daughters, whom we love and would do bloody violence to protect. We know how we’d like our ladies to be treated by other men, so that’s how we act towards other men’s sisters, mothers, and daughters. It’s what the Bible expressly teaches “Treat all younger women like sisters, all older women like mothers.” And to paraphrase the Apostle Paul “Keep your hands to yourself.” It’s not hard to do.

All I can say is, when we see men treating women badly, it is the duty of decent men to step up and stop it, violently if need be. And ladies, please don’t let the tribalism of the Left suck you in. You’re not a victim. You’re a conqueror. The actions of one bad man in your life should not be used as propaganda tools by a callous, immoral pack of lying Leftists to smear an innocent man. These are the same people who smeared the victims of Bill Clinton’s rapes, and Harvey Weinstein’s abuses. They don’t get to take the moral high ground, not ever.


Tribalism. This is what we are seeing with Kavanaugh. Is he guilty because there’s evidence, or because there’s witnesses, or because a court found him guilty following all those other things? No, he’s guilty because he’s part of the “man tribe”, and a member of the “woman tribe” has accused him. He is guilty solely because he’s male. And probably also because he’s white, and Christian, and conservative. I am disturbed by how many women have already decided he’s guilty. They don’t care there’s no proof. They don’t care that the accuser is shady as hell. All I keep seeing is women who had “something happen” to them, and so that makes this man also guilty because he happens to be a part of the same tribe as the guy who harmed them.