Current Events 04-21-2015

Our Toxic PC Culture “What a horrible mother:” How a call from a “good samaritan” derailed these mothers’ lives

Where is the “tender care” for the millions of children murdered in the womb worldwide every year? Where’s the outrage over the tens of thousands of children bought and sold via human trafficking and the sex trade? What about the rampant abuse and neglect in our so-called “Child Welfare” system as unwanted children are generated by irresponsible fornicating adults, and then abandoned to the “mercy” of the foster care system? Our culture is oddly selective about the children it chooses to care about. Meanwhile, these women are being viciously mistreated by an unaccountable legal system, when all they did was what I do routinely, what all of you have done, and what our own parents did all the time. Miserable, useless SJW’s.

The Rise of Feminism Has Become A War on Men Why men won’t get married anymore: Women complain chaps today won’t settle down. Sorry, ladies, but it’s all your fault, argues a wickedly provocative new book

We sought to elevate women, which is good, and very Biblical by the way, but it has morphed into a visceral hatred of men in which our society has only exchanged one form of sexism for another. Men are not the enemy. There’s nothing wrong with us. We are neither rapists nor pedophiles. We are not bumbling idiots that need a woman to mother us. We have a right to our children, and children have a right and need for their fathers. Feminism and Homosexualism are destroying the traditional family, and with it, all the advantages and benefits to our children at home and society at large. It’s evil, folks, pure evil, and it has to stop

You know why I have, in my own imperfect way, managed to become a good, wise, and effective father and husband? Because I watched my own Dad do it and imitated him. Now I’m teaching the same things to my sons and daughters. MY children won’t be poisoned by the vile philosophies of this wicked generation. They will grow up loved, secure, and happy, and go on to create beautiful, intelligent children who will benefit their world also. You know, that thing the much maligned traditional family accomplishes when it’s done right as the Bible teaches and Jesus demonstrated.

Why Are We Not Recycling This Stuff? Humans Threw Out 92 Billion Pounds of Electronics Last Year

Used electronics are riddled with precious metals and rare earth metals. They are called rare earth metals on account of they’re RARE. As in, when they’re gone, there aren’t any more. China is buying up mineral rights all over the world so we will continue to transfer our wealth to them. Used electronics aren’t trash, people – they’re strategic resources.


The Western World Contributes to the Poverty and Suffering of the 3rd World Through Their Stupid, Misguided Iterventionist Policies How malaria is evolving to survive our most potent drug; Mutations stabilize a protein that our best drug targets.

Malaria drugs only work if everybody takes them, all the doses, until the parasite has been fully eradicated. Many of these poor countries are loaded with ignorant, peasant-type people who are suspicious of medicine and don’t follow the directions, so the parasite is allowed to rally and develop resistance to the drugs. This is all, of course, only a Band-Aid to the problem. The real problem is the vector transmitters – the mosquitoes. There needs to be a worldwide war on mosquitoes, beginning with an end on the 1st world’s ban on DDT which is killing countless children in the 3rd world.

Current Events 04-20-2015

All Locks Can Eventually Be Picked In 1851, A Man Picked Two Unpickable Locks and Changed Security Forever

People Forget That Agriculture is Science How Syrians Saved an Ancient Seedbank From Civil War

With the aid of genetics and computers, we can modify existing strains faster and with greater efficiency. All of which is furthering the ancient goal of feeding people.

Current Events 04-15-2015

Indeed It’s Past Time to Acknowledge Black Privilege

I For One Welcome Our New Robot Overlords Google has patented the ability to control a robot army

This Is Probably Why It’s the FIRST Amendment Businesses Shouldn’t Be Forced to Pay for Employees’ Birth Control

Because as a nation, we considered freedom of religion and freedom of speech to be of prime importance, or at least we used to.

Wow The Insane Story of the Guy Who Killed the Guy Who Killed Lincoln

Beyond crazy.

Current Events 04-10-2015

This Is the Kind of Treatment We Can Expect When Faux Marriage Becomes the Law of the Land Yawning Over the Left’s Pizza Bullies

Prison It Is Rev. Cruz: If Gay Marriage is ‘Civil Right,’ Gov’t Will Force Pastors to Obey ‘Unjust’ Law or ‘Obey God and Face Prison’

Liberals Live In A World of Lies and Zero Accountability Lying About Campus Rape Culture

Most men are very decent, and instinctively protective of women. We do not deserve the extremely sexist charge of “all men are potential rapists.” I personally would respond to rape or attempted rape by going all Old Testament on the perpetrator. Most men would do the same. I’m sorry for whatever has been done to these liberal women to make them hate men so strongly, but we are not guilty. There need to be consequences when a journalist lies.

Current Events 04-09-2015

Yep. Pretty Much. Cheney: Obama is ‘Worst President We’ve Ever Had’

I Expect This to Get Worse – The Commissars of the American Communist Party Do Not Tolerate Dissent The Secret Republicans of Silicon Valley; In an industry where only liberal ideas are “allowed,” many libertarians and conservatives keep their political views secret.

Current Events 04-08-2015

Begun, the Cake Wars Have Colorado’s Reverse Discrimination: Yes To Gay Marriage, No To Bible Verses

It Is The End of Religious Liberty in America as We Know It The Gay Marriage Wake-Up Call

Nobody Knows Why do we have allergies?

All Big Abortion Cares About is Keeping the Money Rolling In Alveda King on Stalled Human Trafficking Bill: Protect Women and the Unborn

They Have a Bug Gun NASA’s Awesomely Elaborate Plan to Deal with Splattered Bug Guts

That’s a Lot of Money For an MS Paint Doodle The Maker Of The Trollface Meme Is Counting His Money

Despicable “Scientology’s Captive” John Travolta Says He Won’t See Going Clear

Current Events 04-06-2015

Freedom of Conscience Defending the Right to Discriminate

The right of dissent is the heart of a free society. This is nothing less than statism. We are being told what to believe. Compliance is rewarded. Dissent is punished. This is no America I want to belong to.

We cannot budge on this issue. It’s Roe v Wade all over again.

FAIL Rolling Stone rebuked in independent review of campus rape story

The purpose of journalism is to report facts. Once a journalist or organization injects their opinion (i.e. All men are evil rapists) into a story, it ceases to be journalism and becomes commentary. There was rape at UVA because Rolling Stone magazine WANTED there to be rape at UVA. 

Current Events 04-01-2015

Here’s a Thought. Regular Showers. Soap. Hot Water. Works Great and You Never Need Deodorant Or Any Other Dangerous Chemicals. Meet The Bacteria That Make A Stink In Your Pits

The Only Way We’ll Solve This Is To Stop Using Them Why the Plastic Recycling Market Just Crashed

We Are the New Counterculture Battling the Establishment in the 21st Century

Current Events 03-31-2015

The “Gay” Mafia Has Spoken Selective Outrage over Religious Freedom

If You Can’t Persuade, Shame. If You Can’t Shame, Bully. If You Can’t Bully, Compel. What Remains – Liquidate. Eroding Freedom in the Name of Freedom

They are seeking to overturn actual rights already guaranteed in our Constitution (Freedom of Religion) in favor of imaginary rights (Faux Marriage).

We Appear To Be In the Bullying Phase Still. Compulsion is Next. Pence: ‘This Avalanche of Intolerance That’s Been Poured on Our State Is Outrageous’

Smoke and Mirrors Indiana’s RFRA—and the Response—Is All About the Signaling

Our Government Has Long Since Ceased Answering to Us Access denied: Reporters say federal officials, data increasingly off limits

Ideally, the purpose of a free press is to act as accountability on behalf of the people by making sure they are all informed as to what their government is doing when they think no one is watching. Now journalism is being forbidden to watch, and the abuses of power just keep coming.

Intriguing. How ‘One Nation’ Didn’t Become ‘Under God’ Until The ’50s Religious Revival

I have long disbelieved the myth of “Christian America”. The idea that my nation could become Christian flies in the face of the whole concept of separation of church and state to which Baptists have historically adhered. We are rather, a nation that permits free expression of religion, and is not, at least until recently, hostile to Christianity, or any other belief system. I think this myth of the “Christian Nation” distracts Christians from actually trying to influence and engage their culture in a positive way, because instead Christians are fighting to preserve a Nation that never really existed.

Current Events 03-30-2015

There Can Be Only One Four men arrested after sword found in car along with firearm and knife in Ponders End

When you take away all the guns, people will start using swords. It’s a rare month that I don’t read an article about people committing crimes with swords in London or getting caught owning them. Gun control is silly. What’s next: Sword Control? Sharp Stick Control? Rock Control?

Now That’s Cool Biopolymer Derived From Crustaceans Could Combat Military Mortalities

Information Must Be Free Once You Accept File-Sharing Is Here To Stay, You Can Focus On All The Positive Things

Silly copyright lawyers. Trix are for kids.

Perverts Make Poor Politicians Barney Frank, Gay-Rights Warrior

Because if you won’t honor the laws of God and nature, why would you flinch at breaking man’s laws?