Current Events 06-05-2015

The Spiders Have to Be Individually Milked By Hand, And They DO NOT LIKE IT Startup Says It’s the First to Make Synthetic Spider Silk

This is biotech at it’s finest – hacking natural things to generate really useful synthetic things. Nature (God’s creation) has all the best stuff. Why not figure out cool new ways to use it?

Cheese on Meat With Tomato!? The WORLD’S GONE TOPSY TURVY!! In 1938, the NY Times Wrote About a Weird New Food: The Cheeseburger

Exploring the Galaxy Will Never Happen, But the Solar System? Now That is Very Do-Able NASA wants to cut travel time to Mars “in half” with new propulsion tech

It is imperative we get out there. Not so much for colonization purposes, but for mining. All those rare Earth metals might not be so rare any more if we could make asteroid mining viable.

Current Events 06-02-2015

Clearly, The Man Has Never Visited Montana. Doomster Paul Ehrlich Unrepentant: “My language would be even more apocalyptic today.” And still just as wrong

What Is the End Goal? What is wrong with Democrats?

I don’t think even they know. But then, politicians rarely have to pay the consequences of the policy they create. I would also tend to say “What is wrong with Republicans?” as well. After their resounding mandate in the last election, they have so far caved on defunding Obamacare and failed to halt the President’s illegal importing of future Democrat voters.

The Western World Hates Men There’s No ‘Gender Pay Gap’, But Here Are 11 Reasons Why There Should Be

Feminism is the last socially acceptable form of sexism. Women need to be taught that there is absolutely nothing wrong with staying home and being a Mom. Mothering the next generation of humans is the supreme job that can be done by anyone, yet it is treated with disgust by our society. At the same time, fathers are spit upon in our culture, in spite of the fact that children that come from homes with a Mom AND a Dad do much better than their fatherless counterparts. 

So, let’s hear it for the God-created, “traditional” family!

Oh yeah, thanks Mom and Dad for giving me one of those traditional families, and not bailing on your responsibilities like so many of my peers’ parents did.

Current Events 05-20-2015

The End of the Bible Belt Pseudo-Christianity How to Kill Christianity

Testify! Is Christianity Dying?

We are not witnessing the demise of Christianity, but rather, the ending of the cultural Christianity that was most common in the Bible Belt. This is the same “Christianity” that tolerated drunkenness, domestic abuse, racism, segregation, and every kind of evil provided your sat your butt in a church pew somewhere on a Sunday morning. By finally ridding ourselves of all the marginal, hypocritical, and Phariseeical “Christians” in our midst, we free ourselves at last for the rise of the very much alive and vibrant Christianity practiced by Jesus and the Apostles. REJOICE! We are the new counter-culture! AND IT’S AWESOME!

In Other News, ISS to Receive Orbital Death Ray 🙂 International Space Station may get laser cannon to vaporize orbital debris

Current Events 05-13-2015

In Other Words, Rational Anarchism Disobey (All But the Most Useful Regulations)! Is America still land of the free?

Or Irish Democracy. Take your pick.

This is why I feel so indifferent to American politics, because both parties are trying to pick my pocket for different purposes, politicians are all the same, and neither party really represents my political philosophy.

And They Still Can’t Balance the Budget $1.89T: Tax Revenue for FY15 Hit Record Through April–Gov’t Runs $282B Deficit

As a nation, why do we continue to tolerate this?


Current Events 05-11-2015

Knew It. So, the NSA Has an Actual Skynet Program

There Is No Other Way to Interpret This Trend Persecution of Christians in America: It’s Not Just ‘Over There’

Well I’m Glad That’s Settled Scientists X-Rayed Chocolate To Figure Out How It Gets That White Film

Precisely You Can’t Defend Public Libraries And Oppose File-Sharing

Civil War

1) The willful destruction of the black family, particularly in what are, let’s face it, ghettos created by government. 2) The election of a Marxist radical who happens to be black, and who has only made things worse not better. 3) The militarization of the police following 9/11. 

Put it all together, and you get a devil’s brew that will result in civil war if things don’t change. More and more, people are getting the feeling that government doesn’t answer to them anymore. Taxation without representation started this whole deal way back, as you might recall. People are going to form up along tribal lines, and next thing you know, we have ourselves a race war.

As per usual, the government isn’t particularly interested in doing anything to solve these problems. They only care about how they can exploit the situation to their best advantage. I am forced to wonder if this isn’t being blown out of proportion by the President/Commissar in order to justify the nationalization of law enforcement. Then our transformation to a police state will be complete.

For those of you who don’t read or study history, Welcome to the 1970’s!

Current Events 05-07-2015

It Would Change Everything Swatch Wants To Fix The Biggest Problem With Smartwatches

Well Isn’t That… Sweet… (badum bum CHING) This Guy Tendered His Resignation In The Sweetest Way Possible — With A Cake

Haters Gonna Hate Your Beard Is Covered in Bacteria

YEEEHAWWWW! (cue Dixie) The Eshima Ohashi Bridge In Japan Looks Absolutely Terrifying

Honestly. Where Did You Think This Was Heading? Abolish the Family? Or Just Hobble Parents So They Don’t Give Kids ‘Unfair’ Advantages?

If We Allow This to Stand, It is the End of America As We Know It. I Will Not Be Part of Such a Nation. LGBT Undermining of the Constitution, Culture, and Conservatives

Next up, transgender rights, reduction in the age of consent for pedrasty, and who knows, maybe the animal lovers and corpse lovers will be able to come out of that very spacious closet as well. Let’s just keep lengthening that acronym and normalize everything because morality is dead.

20. TRILLION. DOLLARS. Baltimore and Never Enough Money

Imagine if we had instead invested that money in infrastructure and job creation. Maybe we’d ACTUALLY have reduced poverty.

Democrats need blacks poor, ignorant, and emotional, and reliably voting for the same party that once started a Civil War to keep their ancestors enslaved in this country.

The REAL White Experience For Most of Us The ‘white experience’ and me

Boy, talk about institutionalized racism.

Current Events 05-05-2015

Digital Native, Indeed. So Stupid. This is the latest way employers mask age bias, lawyers say

There’s no such thing. It’s all just marketing terminology designed to manipulate people’s politics, fashion, and purchasing decisions so people can sell them things. Like “millennials”. We ought to be members of all generations and none, freely consuming knowledge, experience, and most important, perspective, without being limited by artificial constructs like “generations”. In other words, cultural anarchists. 🙂

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9

So Much For the CSI Effect The FBI’s Forensics Disaster

This is precisely why people don’t trust law enforcement.

Current Events 04-28-2014

It’s Easy to Achieve a Consensus When You Suppress All Opposing Viewpoints (Yes, I Know This Is Parody, But It Illustrates a Point) College Encourages Lively Exchange Of Idea; Students, Faculty Invited To Freely Express Single Viewpoint

This Isn’t Protest – It’s Thuggery and Anarchy Exclusive: Dr. Alveda King On Baltimore Riots: MLK Jr. Would ‘Be Heartbroken’

Outlawing Christianity in Any Meaningful Form Tony Perkins: Supreme Court Won’t Settle Same-Sex Marriage Issue

I’m a Centaur Defying Gender

Current Events 04-23-2015

Unaccountable Government Agencies Who Operate Above the Law The FBI Used to Have Integrity. Now Agents Lie, Cheat, and Break the Law.

Our government makes it clear in a variety of ways – laws are for us, never for them.

Well I’m Glad Somebody Cleared That Up $102,619 Federal Study: Male Owl Monkeys Are the Main Providers of Infant Care

Gattaca Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos

Freedom of Conscience A San Francisco Priest Who Defied Tyrants

I see a lot of the same tactics in how the left deals with its enemies today.

And That’s the Heart of the Problem Hollywood Anti-Piracy Initiative Requires A VPN Outside The U.S.